A Smart Alternative to Cisco SMARTnet Maintenance

Park Place Hardware Maintenance

Parker Published: April 06, 2022

思科SMARTnet维护(或“SMARTnet全面护理”)是该公司支持十大赌博正规老平台的品牌名称. As with so many other OEMs, their definition is somewhat of a moving target.

Most recently, SMARTnet and SmartNet Total Care combined, and now the name is (once again, or still) SMARTnet. It could also be SmartNetOn Site if you prefer some add-ons. And if you want to get nitpicky, documentation dated 2014 and prior spells it SMARTnet, but in 2015 changes to Smart Net. There is also Smart Assist, 与其说是一种支持,不如说是一种咨询十大赌博正规老平台,以推动智能网络更深入地进入IT组织.

Confused yet?

On top of this confusion, 一旦思科意识到客户正在考虑其他支持选项,就会立即采取行动, they will begin spouting false information to create FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) in the service that TPMs provide. 他们可能会提出这样的问题,即客户无法确定我们的零件来自哪里以及它们的性能如何, 或者我们将声称能够在您的设备上安装软件更新.

负责这种错综复杂的命名方案的营销大师和FUD销售团队可能不同意, but we believe IT maintenance is best when it’s the most straightforward. 您的SMARTnet维护合同的质量并不取决于每隔几年更换一次的漂亮名字. 客户可以从十大赌博正规老平台包中受益,他们可以很容易地理解并根据自己的需求进行定制. 为此,再加上监控和管理您的网络-看公园的地方技术.

Alternative Cisco Maintenance Contracts

Park Place Technologies offers Cisco third party support,成本效益和全面替代昂贵的OEM维护合同. Learn more about the benefits of our network maintenance below, then contact us for more information.

Where to Start?

With Cisco’s SMARTnet, clients may be limited to what support they provide. 在Park Place,我们专注于根据我们的产品组合定制支持解决方案. How do we know what is best? We start with…

An objective recommendation for support. 思科智能网络的高成本支持和广泛的支持水平, are you sure you’re paying for the support you truly need? Park Place Technologies offers a free ClearView™ Assessment -一个客观的建议,哪些硬件保持OEM支持(有时SmartNet是支持的最佳选择), move to TPM support, and consider for Netsure+. On average, we can find a way to economize your support by 30-40%.

Sometimes, SMARTnet Is the Smart Choice

We’ll be the first to admit, 有时候我们的产品和十大赌博正规老平台并不是基于你的IT基础设施的最佳选择. 虽然我们几乎可以肯定,我们将能够以这样或那样的方式影响你的支持, some of your equipment may be best maintained by using Cisco SMARTnet. 特别是如果您的硬件严重依赖于订阅十大赌博正规老平台和/或软件更新,这些十大赌博正规老平台和/或软件更新只能通过思科支持合同获得,并将其余设备迁移到Park Place Technologies的网络维护计划中.  这种方法将在不降低性能的情况下显著节省成本,并且在大多数情况下 network maintenance services option will provide a far superior experience.

Support that Outsmarts SMARTnet

Most likely, 你的IT产业中会有一些思科设备,这是Park Place硬件维护的好选择. 我们的思科智能网络替代品的价格比思科智能网络维护价格低40%到70%. And for the cost, clients know exactly what they’re getting:

  • A standard contract that includes everything clients need. Park Place offers the best standard contract in the industry. It includes comprehensive hardware, software, and network device configuration support; remote monitoring; and certified spare parts with on-site installation. Support can be provided via telephone or online, 而且从来没有升级程序或严重程度评估来与3级工程师交谈. What’s more, every client gains a Level 3 account engineer, who is responsible for every on-site task, from the free, up-front systems analysis to any break/fix call.
  • 选择sla以匹配设备的关键级别和IT预算. The only choice clients need to make is the support level best suited to the equipment’s role in the environment, whether that’s mission critical, business hours, or next-day support. SLAs can be set independently for each piece of server, storage, or networking equipment to create a customized, affordable Cisco maintenance solution.
  • Multi-vendor capabilities and full data center coverage options. 对于那些希望工作更顺利的客户来说,公园广场有答案. As a global, multi-vendor IT support provider, we can cover a whole data center or multi-site IT organization. 即使某些设备有现有的思科或其他OEM保修或十大赌博正规老平台协议, we don’t mind. With our “One Contract / One Contact” program, we’ll still take the service call, identify the OEM’s commitment, manage the response, and back-fill anything they won’t cover. The result for clients is a one-stop IT maintenance shop. What could be simpler?
  • No end of support life dates or other fine print. Park Place isn’t interested in excluding services that client need. 这就是为什么我们从不取消或降低对设备的支持,无论多旧. 如果它在你的环境中有一个目的,你在公园广场有一个支持伙伴. We are available for questions, normal repairs, and complex troubleshooting. 我们甚至将额外的4天工程时间用于主动和非中断/修复任务. 为了保持您的IT设备在最佳性能下运行,Park Place几乎不会做任何事情.

Next Gen Networks Deserve Next Gen Support

Park Place提供强大的网络管理和监控工具和十大赌博正规老平台组合,以帮助您优化超出SmartNet支持的网络资产.

  • Support with your spare parts. 通过将您的备件与派克广场的全球库存地点相结合, services, and highly skilled engineers, NetsSure+ 让您获得传统维护计划无法提供的十大赌博正规老平台性能.
  • Monitoring software that does more. Discover, monitor, 并使用Entuity™软件优化跨不同设备和网络的网络. The Entuity network monitoring tool 自动化网络发现,并使用直观的工作流程,可以很容易地看到什么时候出了问题. 响应式仪表板允许您采用高级视图来评估网络运行状况,或深入到组件级别以快速有效地修复网络问题.
  • Automated support for your network. 借助业界唯一的全自动维护十大赌博正规老平台,您可以简化硬件支持流程并延长整个数据中心的正常运行时间. 自动化识别硬件事件、打开票证和对问题进行分类的过程 ParkView Hardware Monitoring™.
  • Reduce the complexity of network management. Leverage our tools, team, and experience using ParkView Network Management™. This service, delivered by our Enterprise Operations Center (EOC), 通过简化混合环境的管理,简化网络管理流程, supporting new technologies and ensuring outstanding end-user experiences.

Personalized Service from Top Engineers

与我们的直接维护同样重要的是我们一流的工程师. Park place has invested in talented, experienced, and certified customer support personnel, 所以客户可以自信地得到他们需要的帮助和指导. Third party maintenance is not a downgrade from Cisco SMARTnet; it is an improvement on it. One that is more personalized, tailored, and easy to understand.

Smarter doesn’t always mean more complex. Park Place可以通过创建最适合您的计划来帮助您解决支持您独特的网络基础设施的困惑,同时节省您的资金并将风险降至最低. 如果您有兴趣了解如何将我们的产品组合应用于您的数据中心, reach out to us!


About the Author

Parker, Park Place Assistant